Okay so today i'll be blogging about free stuff! I want people to know were & how i get them.So im going to tell you my fav sites!!!!!! Ready?
Okay here's the list:
Survey site's:
Wrinsiders Is a great survey site for anyone from the ages of 5-17.I know you've probably heard that before but this one is different & is true.Trust me i dont like getting scammed so i wouldnt scam someone else that's stupid.so here's what you do, you sign up.Then take a couple of surveys that take no more than 10 minutes if that.You get points after you take the surveys.And then you can redeem them for rewards like amazon.com,walmart,target gift cards & more! Thinking of signing up? then please use my refferal:anc91 so we can both get an extra 100 points! BTW i've gotten a 50.00 amazon & 25.00 walmart gift cards before.Each 1,000 points = 1.00 & every survey is over 1,000 points.
saynation Is another one of my faves.Just like wrinsider's saynation is a survey site were you take surveys for points & redeem them for rewards.Except that this site is for teens & adults ages 13-??? I've gotten over $400.00 worth in gift cards for amazon.com.Want to sign up? My refferal code should be there already so you can get some extra points but if it's not then here it is again:9476331523
prize rebel Is a good site it takes a while to get points here though.Here you have to complete offers to get the points.The points here are counted differently then wrinsiders & saynation.Here the points are counted like this lets say you have 14.00 points then = $14.00 you can cash it out for an xbox,video games or you can get an amazon gift card. I"ve gotten so far $20.00 gift cards for amazon.
Freebie site's:
teen freeway
yes all 4 free
totally free stuff
free mania
Bzz agent is awesome! There a community of people who allow you to test products for different comapnies.You take some surveys but its not a survey site.You give reviews to site.Then when you qualify for a campaign you'll get the products your going to test.I've been chosen for clean clear make-up remover campaign,burts & bees acne camapign,max factor lipstick & mascara campaign.And yes it's all free for you to keep you even get some sample to give to your family & friends to try! If you sign up look for me i can help you if you need help heres my agent name:iluvadam
house party Wondering what that is? Well it's aplace were you sign up for parties you'd like to host (they have a list) like a pizza hut party,a new series launch party exc. You get party favors & more!!!!!!!!!
I've gotten dvd's,candy,the family feud game 3rd edition/games,pencils,pens,notebooks & more!!!!!!! Again all for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WWE fan? Then mywwesearch is for you.All you do is search like you always do.It's powered by google so it's acurate.Then you get swag bucks that you can redeem for wwe prizes.Want to sign up? Just click on the above banner!

Not a fan but like what you hear? Thats ok you can still sign up to one of there other search & win sites & redeem your swag bucks for an amazon gift card & more!
Love animals? Support peta? And your a teen or young adult? Why not sign up for the peta2 street team? It's great! You do things to help them out & you get points for them.You can get shirts,dvd's,books & more! Pleae use my email buterflyaileen@yahoo.com as the person who reffered you thank you!
* Remember All The Website's Above Are All Free To Sign
Up You Never Have To Pay Anything *
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