Sorry about last week guys.I want able to post but all is well now so now i'll continue to post as always.So im posting the recaps of 90210 & Melrose Place.If you missed them its ok but you did miss some of the secrets that were unvield.

Episode:Winter Wonderland
Navid is convinced Jasper pushed him down the stairs and turns to Adrianna to help reveal the information. Annie is confronted by her friends about Jasper's drug dealing but when she confronts him about the news he reveals his suspicions about her involvement in the hit and run. Naomi and Silver decide to spend Christmas break in St. Barts but first make an appearance at the beach club for the winter dance. Teddy reveals his feelings for Silver, causing Dixon to be jealous, while Naomi and Liam attempt to forgive each other for what happened with Jen.Debbie attempts to spend some quality time with Dixon by taking him to the arcade.
So finally Annie finds out the truth about Jasper.But he tells her he knows that she hit his uncle.

Melrose Place
Episode:San Vicente
Jonah and Riley decide to head to Las Vegas to elope but the day doesn't quite go as planned. Ella arranges a pitch meeting for Jonah with an important producer who is interested in buying his film. Meanwhile, Lauren calls David after she gets in trouble with one of her male clients and Auggie confesses his true feelings for Riley. Also, Michael gives David information about Sydney's killer and Amanda bonds with Violet over Sydney, but of course Amanda has an ulterior motive in getting to know Violet.
So it turns out that Michael's wife killed Sydney.Because Sydney confess to her that her husband was cheating on her with her.We also find out that she used to be with David as well as Sydney did.And theres also a possible chance that Noah isn't David's brother but his son.OMG!Shocker!!!!!
So now we have to wait a few weeks before we can see new episodes.
Oh yeah i dont know if yall have seen this but theres a CW dating quiz.
I took it & i got:man's man.The guys were:DEan from supernatural(my personal fave),Auggie from melrose place (my 2nd fave),Rufus from gossip girl & Dison from 90210! Take the quiz if you haven't already it's pretty fun :P
Dating quiz here
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